
6 Proven Ways to Deter Moles From Your Garden

Did you know that a single mole can create up to 100 feet of new tunnels in just one day? These remarkable (but frustrating) creatures might be nature’s perfect excavators, but that doesn’t mean you have to let them turn your garden into their personal maze of underground highways. I’ve …

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Can You Eat Crab Apples?

Can You Eat Crab Apples

Crab apple trees are common backyard trees and many wonder if you can eat the small fruits they produce. So, can you eat crab apples? The good news is crab apples are perfectly safe to eat, although they may taste bitter straight from the tree. However, when ripe and prepared …

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How Many Carrot Seeds Per Hole Should You Plant?

carrot seeds

Carrots have a reputation as a tricky crop, but they are actually quite easy to grow once you know how. That said, how many carrot seeds per hole should you plant? Although a finicky plant, carrots grow well in the right conditions. I’ve always found that by following some basic …

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Why Is My Dill Turning Yellow? (Plus Care Tips!)

dill turning yellow

If you notice your dill turning yellow, most likely it is because it is dying as a natural part of its life cycle. After flowering, dill plants die back, re-seed, and regrow.  If the timing is wrong for this, yellowing may be a result of overwatering or overfertilization. Too much …

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Do Indoor Plants Attract Bugs?

do indoor plants attract bugs

If you’ve purchased a good few houseplants lately, you may ask yourself, do indoor plants attract bugs? Without question, they sure do. Any plant growth can attract insects regardless of location, and houses provide an ideal climate for bugs and their offspring. Which Bugs Do Indoor Plants Attract? According to …

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How Often Should I Water My Seedlings?

how often should i water my seedlings

In general, soil for growing seedlings should always be kept moist, but never boggy or allowed to completely dry out. Both underwatering and overwatering present dangers to young seedlings. So, how often should I water my seedlings? My advice is almost always to underwater plants rather than overwater, but this …

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How Many Corn Seeds Per Hole Should You Plant?

corn seeds

Ever wondered how many corn seeds per hole should you plant? Corn, or maize, has been cultivated for centuries. Its history stretches back nearly 10,000 years to southern Mexico. Selective breeding through hundreds of generations turned the wild teosinte grass with its small grains into the sweet, buttery, and rich …

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Are Mushrooms Decomposers?

are mushrooms decomposers

Are mushrooms decomposers? In fact, yes, mushrooms are decomposers, meaning they are an organism that breaks down organic material. This process releases nutrients that plants and microbes can use. As they want to grow on soil that is rich in organic matter, seeing them is a good sign that your …

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How Long Does Bamboo Fencing Last?

how long does bamboo fencing last

Bamboo fencing is a popular choice among homeowners these days. It’s often used to make a yard look more interesting or to make a home stand out. It adds a touch of elegance, especially around outdoor seating areas and pools. Is bamboo worth the investment? It depends on your dedication …

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