The letter U has several gorgeous flowers for almost any climate. From cactus to water-loving carnivorous plants, you’ll find many unique flower species that will look beautiful in your garden.
Let’s take a look at all the flowers that start with U so “u” can fill your flower beds with something interesting.
To learn more about the various flowers available for your garden, make sure to check out our list of “Flower Names A to Z”.
25 Unique Flowers That Start With U
1. Ugly Fruit Flower
- Scientific Name: Citrus paradisi, Citrus reticulata
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: 1-3 times per week, or when the soil feels dry
- Size: Up to 25 feet (7 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: 20°F (-6°C)
- Toxicity: Low
- Colors: White
The ugly fruit flower is the flower you find on Jamaican tangelo trees. Jamaican tangelos are a hybrid between grapefruit and tangerines.
They have a wrinkly yellow-green appearance, earning them the name of ugly fruit.
2. Uinta Basin Hookless Cactus
- Scientific Name: Sclerocactus wetlandicus
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Drought tolerant
- Size: Up to 5 inches (15 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -10°F (-23.3°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, purple
This cactus is rare and is only found in the Uinta Basin in Utah in the United States. It can be grown indoors outside of its native climate, but it will be difficult to find outside Utah.
3. Ulex europaeus (Common Gorse)
- Scientific Name: Ulex europaeus
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil slightly dry, intolerant of wet soil
- Size: Up to 16 feet (4 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: 5°F (-15°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow
Common gorse is native to western Europe but can also be found in the United States. It’s considered invasive in the western part of the U.S. because it can grow back after wildfires and survive for up to 30 years.
4. Ulex gallii (Western Gorse)
- Scientific Name: Ulex gallii
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil slightly dry, intolerant of wet soil
- Size: Up to 4 feet (1.5 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: 5°F (-15°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow
5. Ulex minor (Dwarf Gorse)
- Scientific Name: Ulex minor
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil slightly dry, intolerant of wet soil
- Size: Up to 3 feet (1 meter)
- Lowest Temperature: 5°F (-15°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow
6. Umbrella Magnolia
- Scientific Name: Magnolia tripetala
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 15-40 feet (4-12 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -20°F (-28°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Cream, tan, white
7. Umbrella Plant
- Scientific Name: Darmera peltata
- Sun: Partial shade, full shade
- Water: Keep soil moist or wet
- Size: 3-5 feet (0.91-1.5 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -20°F (-28°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, white
This plant will need a lot of space since it can spread out as wide as tall. Since it likes shade and moisture, it’s perfect to use in shady low spots that you can’t get other plants to grow in.
8. Umbrella Sedge
- Scientific Name: Cyperus alternifolius
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Likes standing water, keep 1-6 inches (2-15 centimeters) of water at the crown
- Size: 1-2 feet (30-60 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 20°F (-6°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Green, yellow, tan
This plant requires a lot of water and likes humidity. You can grow indoors and use a humidifier to create the perfect environment.
9. Unicorn Plant (Devil’s Claw)
- Scientific Name: Proboscidea parviflora
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Drought tolerant
- Size: Up to 2 feet (60 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -20°F (-28°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, yellow, purple, white
This flower grows fruit pods that are the shape of claws. They hook onto animal fur or hair as a means to disperse the seeds.
10. Upright Clematis
- Scientific Name: Clematis recta
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 2-6 feet (0.6-1.8 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -35°F (-37.2°C)
- Toxicity: High, can irritate the skin and cause severe pain and ulcers if eaten
- Colors: White
This plant grows quickly, so it’s recommended that this plant be heavily pruned in early spring before it grows flowers. This will help tame old growth and encourage new growth.
11. Upright Prairie Coneflower
- Scientific Name: Ratibida columnifera
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Drought tolerant
- Size: 1-3 feet (30-91 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -30°F (-34°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow, gold, brown, copper
12. Upright Virgin’s Bower
- Scientific Name: Clematis virginiana
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade, dappled sunlight, deep shade
- Water: Keep soil moist, tolerant of occasional flooding
- Size: 15-20 feet (4-6 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -10°F (-23.3°C)
- Toxicity: Medium, mouth pain and ulcers if eaten and can irritate the skin
- Colors: White
13. Urceolina amazonica (Amazon Lily)
- Scientific Name: Urceolina amazonica
- Sun: Partial shade, dappled sunlight
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 1.5-2 feet (45-60 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: White
14. Urginea maritima (Squill)
- Scientific Name: Urginea maritima, Drimia maritima
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 4-7 feet (1-2.1 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: 10°F (-12°C)
- Toxicity: Low
- Colors: Red, burgundy, purple, lavender, white
15. Urn Plant
- Scientific Name: Aechmea fasciata
- Sun: Partial shade, dappled shade
- Water: Keep soil moist or slightly dry, drought tolerant
- Size: 1-3 feet (30-91 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, red, burgundy, purple, lavender
16. Ursinia (Mountain Marigold)
- Scientific Name: Ursinia anthemoides
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: Up to 19 inches (50 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 20°F (-6°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow, copper
17. Ursinia calenduliflora (Parachute Daisy)
- Scientific Name: Ursinia calenduliflora
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: Up to 13 inches (35 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Red, orange, yellow, brown
18. Ursinia chrysanthemoides (Coral Ursinia)
- Scientific Name: Ursinia chrysanthemoides
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: Up to 4 feet (1 meter)
- Lowest Temperature: 20°F (-6°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Orange, yellow
19. Ursinia nana (Yellow Margaret)
- Scientific Name: Ursinia nana
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: Up to 7 inches (20 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow
20. Ursinia speciosa
- Scientific Name: Ursinia speciosa
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 12-18 inches (30-45 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow
21. Utah Agave Flower
- Scientific Name: Agave utahensis
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Drought tolerant
- Size: Rosette up to 18 inches (45 centimeters), flower spike 6-12 feet (1.8-3.6 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -10°F (-23.3°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow, green
This is a slow-growing plant, so it may take a long time before you see it flower. In cold climates, plant this in a pot and bring it indoors during winter.
22. Utricularia delphinioides (Bladderwort)
- Scientific Name: Utricularia delphinioides
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Submerged in water
- Size: 1-3 feet (30-91 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -30°F (-34°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, blue, purple
This is a carnivorous water plant that feeds mostly on mosquitoes and flies.
23. Utricularia vulgaris (Bladderwort)
- Scientific Name: Utricularia vulgaris
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Submerged in water
- Size: 1-3 feet (30-91 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -30°F (-34°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow, gold, purple, lavender
24. Uva Ursi
- Scientific Name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist, drought tolerant once established
- Size: 6-12 inches (15-30 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -50°F (-45.5°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, white
Once the flowers on this shrub die, red berries will grow. They can be cooked or eaten raw.
25. Uvularia grandiflora
- Scientific Name: Uvularia grandiflora
- Sun: Partial shade, deep shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 1.5-2 feet (45-60 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -30°F (-34°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Yellow, gold
This plant only blooms for two weeks in April or May. Seed pods follow the blooms.
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